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Here you can get information about our products and order any products you may be interested in.

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Featured products

38-6130 Trusti Pasteur

Til pasteurisering af råmælk i Trusti Colostrum-poser. Til hurtig og sikker optøning og opvarmning af råmælk i råmælksposer.

38-6002 Trusti Tuber Kit

The kit consists of tube, teat and 4 liter bottle. Developed by a veterinarian who is also a calfbreeder in New Zealand. Very carefully considered system with many practical details. The tube is soft and flexible very gentle for the calf. www.antahi.nz Meget gennemtænkt system, med mange praktiske detaljer. Systemet er udviklet af dyrlæge Blød og bøjelig sonde, der ikke kan "skille ad " efter nedførsel i kalvens spiserør!

38-6106 4 pack reusable colostrum bags/Trusti tuber/ teat

4 colostrum bags 1 Trusti tuber 1 teat 1 brush

9376 SlurryBugs

aspecial deveoped combination of bacteria and enzymes. Maximizes the retension of Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosfor, Zinc in the slurry, so that the fertilizer effect is markedly increased and the emission reduced Improves the liquidity of slurry 100 gram treats 450 tons of slurry. A very welldocumented product
New online store is open! -Saturday, May 23, 2015
The new nopCommerce store is open now! We are very excited to offer our new range of products. We will be constantly adding to our range so please register on our site, this will enable you to keep up to date with any new products.
nopCommerce new release! -Saturday, May 23, 2015
nopCommerce includes everything you need to begin your e-commerce online store. We have thought of everything and it's all included!

nopCommerce is a fully customizable shopping cart. It's stable and highly usable. From downloads to documentation, www.nopCommerce.com offers a comprehensive base of information, resources, and support to the nopCommerce community.